Performing Arts Physical Therapy

Whether you are a dancer, aerialist, gymnast or pole artist, there is a delicate balance between strength and flexibility that is required of you in your sport. Not only are you an incredible athlete, but you are also a performer, and it is essential that your body is in optimal condition in order for you to have creative freedom while training and performing. That is why you deserve to work with a physical therapist who understands the unique physical demands of the performing arts in order for you to return to what you love pain free. Here at The PATH Rehab & Performance, Dr. Paulina Tselikis has specialized expertise in working with performing artists of all ages ranging from recreational to professional levels.

Tacoma Physical Therapy

The Process

  • Calm It Down

    This is where we focus on reducing your symptoms as quickly as possible. Your Doctor of Physical Therapy will take you through a thorough one-on-one evaluation and movement analysis that is specific to your movement goals to determine the root cause of your pain.

  • Create A Plan

    Need to get back to grand jetés, handsprings, or aerial inversions? No problem! You and your physical therapist will work together to create an individualized plan that is specific to your movement and performance goals. The best part? You will be given immediate, easy modifications to implement so that you can still be as active as possible in the studio.

  • Build It Up

    Once your pain is under control, we really start to hone in on the specific performance-related movements that you want to get back to. This is where we focus on biomechanics, tissue resiliency, motor-control, and correcting muscle imbalances so that you are returning to training and performing even better than you were before.

  • Performance Ready

    This is where we work together to create long-term solutions so that your pain does not come back, whether it’s conventions/intensives, competitions, or consistent performances that you’re returning to. We focus on maintenance work, injury risk reduction, and performance enhancement so that you are feeling and performing at your best for a lifetime!

Tacoma Physical Therapy

Get back to the studio.

Searching for a physical therapist who specializes in treating dancers, aerialists, and gymnasts?

Dealing with an injury that is keeping you out of the studio and derailing your training? 

Click below to schedule a FREE phone consultation with Dr. Paulina, our performing arts specialist!