Get back to the things you love.

We understand that your hobbies, work, and active lifestyle are important to you. Here at The PATH you are given the tools, knowledge, and attention you deserve to get back even better than before. Let’s help you make the transition from pain to performance today.

Our Specialties

The PATH Approach

We believe that living an active and healthy lifestyle is a medical necessity. You deserve a holistic and individualized approach to health and wellness that empowers you to get back to the activities that you love even better than before. Here at The PATH we are passionate about providing excellent one-on-one performance-based rehab that addresses all aspects of pain and injury.

1. Free Consult

A free phone consultation is the first step of our process. We’ll take time to get to know you, your goals, and determine the best course of action to getting you pain free. Can’t wait? Give us a call now to get started!

2. Calm It Down

We get you scheduled for a one-on-one comprehensive evaluation with one of our doctors. Here we will determine the root cause of your pain and set up an action plan to calm down symptoms and get you back to your specific goals.

3. Build It Up

Once symptoms are manageable we focus on rebuilding the system. Here we focus on strength, mobility, and improving your body’s resiliency so you can return to the activities you love pain free.

4. Make It Last

We aren’t satisfied when pain starts to go away; we want it to stay away. In this stage we work with you to create long-term solutions for your health and wellness goals so that pain stays an afterthought and does not limit you in the future.

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